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Terms of Use

Last Update:

August 28, 2023

1. Introduction

Welcome to Grix, a DeFi options aggregator ("Grix"). These Terms of Use ("Terms") dictate your engagement with the services provided by Grix, a pioneering creation of MC14 Labs, based in Israel ("MC14 Labs" or "Company").

2. Acceptance of Terms

Your access to and use of Grix signifies your acceptance of these Terms. Any disagreements should lead to immediate discontinuation of service use.

3. Modifications

MC14 Labs reserves the right to amend or revise these Terms at any juncture, without prior notice. By continuing the use of Grix after amendments, you consent to the updated Terms.

4. User Eligibility

a. Users must be 18 years or older or reach the age of majority in their jurisdiction. b. Using Grix affirms your legal capacity to abide by these Terms.

5. Description of Service

Grix, as a DeFi options aggregator, brings together various decentralized finance options. The Company provides no financial counsel, and all platform information is for general awareness.

6. Grix Router Interaction

a. Users interact with decentralized platforms through the Grix Router.

b. MC14 Labs neither possesses nor has any custody of users' funds. Funds journey via the Grix Router either to the chosen protocols or revert to the user's wallet.

c. MC14 Labs is not responsible for transaction failures, loss of funds, or any other issues arising from the Router's interaction with third-party protocols.

7. Non-Custodial Nature

a. Grix is purely non-custodial. At no point does the Company hold, retain, or manage user funds or assets.

b. Users maintain full autonomy and control over their wallets, assets, and private keys.

8. Intellectual Property

All content, designs, logos, and other intellectual assets on Grix are exclusive property of MC14 Labs, shielded by Israeli and global copyright legislations.

9. User Responsibilities

a. Users must comply with applicable laws during Grix use.

b. Securing account credentials is the user's duty. MC14 Labs is not liable for unauthorized access or asset loss due to user negligence.

10. Restricted Countries

Users from certain jurisdictions may be prohibited from accessing or using Grix due to legal restrictions. It is users' responsibility to be aware of and adhere to their local regulations.

For clarity, if you are:

  • A US person (as defined in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended);
  • A citizen or resident of Canada;
  • A citizen or resident of Japan; or
  • A member of currently sanctioned OFAC countries, including Balkans, Belarus, Burma, Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, and Zimbabwe;

then you are not permitted to access our website or grix.finance.

11. Prohibited Use

a. Users must refrain from illegal activities on Grix.

b. Decompiling, reverse engineering, or unauthorized exploitation of Grix is strictly forbidden.

12. Indemnification & Liability

a. MC14 Labs shall not be held accountable for any consequential damages arising from Grix use.

b. Users agree to indemnify MC14 Labs against claims resulting from Terms violations.

13. Governing Law

Israeli law exclusively governs these Terms. All arising disputes will be subject to Israeli judicial processes.

14. Dispute Resolution

Disputes will first seek amicable resolutions. If unresolved, binding arbitration in Israel is agreed upon.

15. Severability

Invalidity of any Term provision doesn't affect the validity of remaining provisions.

16. Data Privacy & Security

While MC14 Labs adopts advanced security measures, it cannot guarantee absolute data protection. Users must employ security practices on their end.

17. Fee Structure

Grix may impose fees for specific services. Users are advised to review such charges before proceeding.

18. Communication

Any official communication should be directed to contact@grix.finance.